3D-Printed Dragons
Last Updated 8 December 2022
My nieces have wanted there own 3D-Printed dragons, but my old printer have not been able to print PLA for a while. Now that I got my new BambuLab printer and was eager to test it out it was a good opportunity to print some dragons. I bought this Print-in-place Articulated Dragon by McGybeer from cults3d.com: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/articulated-dragon-mcgybeer
It prints really nice in about 12 hours at 130% scale and 0.2mm layer height. (that is at 50% speed on the BambuLab X1)
Oline and Dorte, first one to contact me chooses color…!
(FYI: Dorte was first, it took about five minutes! She choose the red one.)